Tuesday, December 24, 2019

twas the night before christmas (14/365d)

brian and martin played magicians while the rest of us watched (or played) the christmas pageant.
we celebrated with a wonderful meal until the bell rang and we found brian lighting the candles downstairs. 
around the table:
henry and agnes

theodore and felix

mary and martin
not pictured: centa, brian and me...

henry and agnes with silly faces

downstairs the tree and the mood were both very beautiful. 

we sang songs and made predictions for which candles would last longest. we were all wrong - one stealth candle burned low and hidden until all the other ones had long gone out. there were plenty of presents even without my having bought anything. martin liked his book of limericks (the one thing i made, because the one i want cannot be bought because it doesn't exist)

agnes waiting for the candle to go out

martin reading limmericks

trying to capture the singing by candlelight is an impossible task

centa with her niece and nephews

the three boys

cousins round the tree

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