Thursday, December 26, 2019

travel day (16/365d)

leaving so early in the morning is no fun, but mary and martin left even earlier. and i woke up even earlier. at 4am. maybe i was just nervous. brian takes care of all logistics with finesse so i shouldn't have to be nervous. regardless, all travel stuff went off without a hitch and we arrived in manchester at tante frieda's in time for a together meal of leftovers and had fun finding enough chairs to put around the table. we played the piano (desperately needing a tune.. g-major is nearly impossible) and sang ... many many verses of good-king wenceslas.

found our airbnb home to a be a charming clone of aunt frieda's house, as well as a charming clone of everybody else in heald green's house as well. only in our airbnb mirrors were taped to their frames, the flooring was rolled on without being properly fashioned and there were missing lightbulbs in fixtures that actually didn't work anyways. but there is a REAL coffee machine, which makes up for everything, because nearly anything is better than instant coffee.

edward and i found the tesco express and bought coffee and ...... potato chips. there were so many meat flavors.... stupid meat flavors, because, really, how does chicken tikki masala taste different than tikki masala? stayed up late chatting and trying "cranberry and brie" flavor... which was oddly not terrible, but not great, and yet we finished the bag.

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