Wednesday, October 23, 2019

rainer's birthday (192/365c)

brian leaves on a trip to genf for a job interview, and it's rainer's birthday

brian really laid back about leaving. he walked kids to school, i walked with him to the hauptbahnhof at a relaxed pace. nina and i had coffee. pauli and i sat at parks and had coffee too.

i put out bio muell one day early... oops... i don't know why that's something important i had to remember, but i made a note about it.

centa helped me finish a flyer. we skyped rainer for his birthday. edward showed us snippets of recently digitized home movies from 1988 - 1991, which broke us into a wave of nostalgia.

Brian took this from the plane... we'll miss him!
Brian took this from the plane... we'll miss him!

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