Thursday, July 25, 2019

straight back to the castle (105/365c)

little notes for centa
who wrote late at night that whoever wrote her the "coolest note" could have a special prize
i think they are all three pretty cool notes - i would not be able to decide
one more concert at schloss greifenburg. again i left early in the morning, and i was really looking forward to our terrific dinner, and then after the car ride i seriously had a terrible headache and took some ibu-profane, and swore off alcohol and sugar.

i truly felt like a medieval princess... after having my hair and makeup done at the castle window, i sat there with some nearly 100% dark chocolate, and watched as down in the village a man chopped wood.
this is really far away from my window.
yay for optical zoom

i could not resist the beauty of these little flowers turning towards the light through the fence
concert and dinner was exquisite. i didn't try the wines unfortunately, but i stayed up bravely for a while, and then sunk into my delightful bed to sleep.

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