Sunday, July 14, 2019

lost in amsterdam part 1 (94/365c)

we arrived full of energy and looked up what we could do. near our airbnb was a salsa evening that even started at 6pm so that woud give us plenty of time to dance and get an early sleep.

but that would involve finding our airbnb first
which, with locals sending us in the wrong direction and everything being a bit larger than we thought ended up taking a while.
that cupcake looks tiny but we split it
it was heavy enough that it was plenty
which was fine, the bill came to something exorbitant, amsterdam really is expensive.
from the sky you see about the types of places we were looking.
.....waterways, and bridges and no streetsigns
we finally arrived, hours later, changed our clothes and went to salsa... which we couldn't find either. well, we got to the place but there was no sign of a festival.

looking for the festival, right before giving up.
the beer was really really really good
(and we're not beer people)
got lost going back home too.

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