Saturday, July 13, 2019

home again for today only (93/365c)

frantic packing and breakfast with quintet this morning, so much stuff to put away and we were so tired from last night. we didn't officially have anywhere to be, but today is my only day home before my trip to amsterdam, so it's the only day i can see family, and that's extra special because edward is here on his trip to salzburg, and mary's been staying there for a while, and of course centa and brian and my kids.
full house when i got home
we walked up the schlossberg together and saw some funny signs for the schlossberg signs. i was too tired to photograph them, and too tired to get ice-cream, so i left edward with centa, and tried to take a quick nap... brian went out somewhere (i don't remember where :/ ) and i was asleep before 9pm.

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