Wednesday, July 17, 2019

home again home again (97/365c)

mostly a travel day today, we took our time with our awesome airbnb breakfast and packing (although we didn't have much) i took my now-traditional sleeping in a hotel selfportrait.

morning light in amsterdam
and we took our now-trusted path (definitely not the shortest distance but the least number of turns) to the train to the airport.
these guys didn't do so well on their trip to amsterdam
the plane left early, arrived early, we got our stuff, and then waited hours and hours for a flix bus, which turned out to arrive in graz at the same time as one we could have reserved for a few hours later. the delay unfortunately wasn't displayed as such. we got updates every ten minutes that there would be an additional ten minute delay, so we kept going in and out of the airport. by the time we got home it was very much later than we had hoped. my kids were already all asleep. too bad.

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