Tuesday, July 30, 2019

hanns holenia meets wikipedia (110/365c)

on the way home from dropping theodore off at fencing class i saw this little sign and photographed it:
a plaque commemorating hanns holenia
a styrian composer
that i've never heard of and the internet seems to have barely heard of either
i proceeded to make a (german) wikipedia page about him, just the very basics, and sussed out as much information as i could in a reasonable time. by the time i was done the kids were home.

in the evening, we went to sleep really late, as ronja was sleeping over (tomorrow last day of kindergarten for her, so we really shouldn't have been up so late)..... before i went to sleep i wanted to see if the page had been deleted (sometimes that happens) but instead it was a completely new looking one, i had written nearly none of it. i had a sinking feeling that i had somehow edited the wrong one, but NO! it was the one i had created, and in the last 12 hours it had been modified, edited, amended and added to, so that it looked totally legitimate. i was so excited.

1 comment:

  1. Because of editing citations, I automatically read that as Lastname, First. So I thought the composer's name was Holenia, Hanns. And I had these thoughts, in order:

    Holenia is very pretty - maybe it's related to Helen...
    Nice, Irma going all out to reinstate a neglected female composer...
    ... wait, why does it say "he"?

    ... ... I am an idiot.

    Still think Holenia would make a nice first name, though.
