Tuesday, July 2, 2019

new cello(81/365c)

we had to return henry's cello today... i had rehearsal so brian managed all of that, and even took felix out to vienna to buy a new cello for henry right away, since we found a pretty good deal on one. it turned out ok!

they went to the technical museum while they were there and sent me some love:
and some useful data on slide speed
what a great expression.
i needed the love. after all the work i did arranging my pieces were too primitive and too late, and we don't need any more for the sting show coming up. instead we practiced the things we DO need for the next few gigs, and i went home and spent my short alone time crying a bit until i felt better. theodore and i had lessons to go to, and theodore and henry had their last chorus for the year. i think they are having ice cream twice a day right now. every activity they do seems to have year-end ice cream. 

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