Wednesday, July 31, 2019

learning by drawing (111/365c)

i'm not very good at drawing (i'm supposed to say "yet") but i like to dabble at it. while theodore and henry were out for the morning, felix and i drew for hours.

he alternates between
"i can't draw really good"
"i don't reallylike drawing"
it reminded me that i still think i'm really bad at drawing. and i honestly know i know nearly nothing, and yet a few years ago i would have thought this was pretty good and even be a bit proud of it.
i cropped the hands out of the photograph so nobody could see how truly malformed they are.
now i'm proud to just say "here's to having fun learning, and being bad at stuff"

by the way, one of my favorite theodore jokes right now is "how does a kangaroo learn to jump?" "learning by doing doing doing" ... i think he found that joke somewhere in a magazine but he has pretty much made it his own over the last few weeks.

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