Monday, July 29, 2019

city wide entertainment (109/365c)

today is the beginning of a week of summer programs offered through the city. theodore signed up for fencing and henry for soccer. i dropped theodore off, and everything seemed fine, but i guess they didn't do any fencing, and played dodge ball instead. tomorrow they will fence for sure, is what theodore said. henry was completely over the moon about his football when he got home. felix went with henry and brian and was very happy.

at home henry had a lesson with nadja downstairs and at the same time upstairs i played through a piece i just received in the mail, shostakovich's newly found interlude (written in 1931, found in 1918) ... it's a 2 minute work, and for nearly 20 euros comes with 6 pages of history and writing, and one page of viola music printed on half of one side of beautiful thick a3 paper. it's pretty cool but it also kind of feels a little silly.

after lunch we did more street festival things. there was a kids show about the wolf and the 7 kids with just terrific puppets. and a super weird clown who "talked" through a nose flute attached to his face. some of the things he did were not quite kid-friendly, and once he made felix cry by pulling his hair. he was pretty memorable though. he got the crowd to do all kinds of uncomfortable things.

the wolf on one side and the goat family on the other

murmuyo and his crazy speedy car that he arrived in (scaring me)
saw some acrobatics on the hauptplatz afterwards... first manuela and i jogged a bit around the city and then we watched some tumblers with the foersters, but manuela went home to do work. the show ended pretty late, and we walked home very slowly.

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