Wednesday, April 12, 2017

unrelated anecdotes (4/365a)

theodore came home from his 3 day hike on the sommeralm. he got into the bath, then his pajamas and we went to play his favorite piece, for piano and violin, which he was so proud to show me he could play with his eyes closed.

my camera was on this wide angle, very open, long exposure setting because i wanted to take a picture during my quintet rehearsal but my quintet was too wide for me. i think this is better anyways.

i also cleaned and cleaned my stove and kitchen today, while cooking something in a pressure cooker. then i had to clean and clean my stove and kitchen again because i experimented (Henry's word) with opening the pressure cooker before i had entirely released the pressure. oops. there was kohlrabi everywhere, but thankfully still some in the pot.

i also was driving through a construction zone, where the road turned to only one lane. i got the green light from the traffic attendant, drove forward, around the construction vehicle and came upon a city bus driving in the opposite direction in this little single lane. the traffic attendant slapped his head like "oops" and i backed up and waited for the actual correct green light.

i found out someone was pregnant today, and when asked about the due date she said "AS LONG AS IT"S NOT A SCORPIO" ... (ummm, yes, it would be bad, to be, ummm, yes, just like me)

before tomorrow morning i have to practice whistling for a piece we're playing.