Friday, April 21, 2017

Ei! Wie schmeckt der Kaffee süße (13/365a)

Ei! Wie schmeckt der Kaffee süße
We already know how much I love spontaneous coffee time. Well, I also love spontaneous concerts, especially if they are about coffee. On our way home from an orchestra rehearsal for Thomas, at 7:56, we walked past a poster for a concert at 8, and decided, "why not." Theodore was close to falling asleep, then asleep about 2 minutes before the intermission. I woke him up, and told him he would really like the coffee cantata, if he could stay awake. to make it easier to pay attention i dragged him to the front row in the best seat in the house and we watched the lively opera singers. the father/daughter pair was played by a father/daughter pair in real life. the daughter is pregnant, and they did a little bit of slapstick pointing out the belly to add an extra layer of comic funny. finally an audience that dares to laugh during bach. Theodore yelled "bravo" at appropriate times and I was very proud of him. Brian met us afterwards to walk us home. Immediate teeth brushing and bed time.

On the tram today, we got controlled, and I didn't have my ticket because in my disorganization i had forgotten my wallet. usually that's a 70euro fine, but I just kept looking through my bag till the ticket-control-man got bored and left. i was then paranoid of getting controlled again so i went to buy a ticket  (i keep money in my viola case just in case for cases like this) and someone else had left a current hour-ticket on the ticket buying machine. how nice of them! i put it back when i got out of the tram.

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