Thursday, April 13, 2017

board game night (5/365a)

Started with a quintet rehearsal. I went there with Theodore. To get there, on the other side of town, since there is so much construction, and the buses are on a holiday schedule, we had to switch from bus to bus to tram to bus, and got there 2 minutes late. Theodore laughed and laughed because we were practicing a Moricone Medley that includes us having to switch between our "real" instrument, and funny things like whistling, using a pick on my viola, or the pedal controlled high hat. During our Star Wars Medley, a real fun moment is when Klaus has to remove our mutes while we continue to play.

At home we had "traditional" spinat mit spiegel-ei, for green Thursday. Only in German speaking places (and parts of Hungary) is this day called "green Thursday" probably due to misinterpretation of some latin phrase, although there is some debate. In Austria it's traditional to eat green food, specifically pureed spinach and a fried egg. It's just the way it's done. So I did that. Well, the kids fried their own eggs. I'm pretty sure they let my nicest frying pan get too hot though, and it may herewith be ruined. So that's sad.

We finally had a board game night with Jacky and Andi (our nearly neighbors who's car we drive to kindergarten) ..... we've been putting it off for too long. Our kids all being asleep, they snuck over to our house for wine and aromatic bread with Za'atar. And some Carcassonne. Here are the pieces standing nice and calmly while we actively debate what to do next.

and here are how the board looks from below, since I have a glass table and can do that trick. :)

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