Thursday, April 27, 2017

burned (19/365a)

sometimes you wake up, and you're so productive, and get all your chores done and of course exercise and are creative before 9am and feel terrific and refreshed. then there are days you think you're doing that, and suddenly its nearly 10 and dinner looks like this:

which means you have to open up all the windows in spite of it being very cold outside. so you quickly make soup for dinner, and because you're in a hurry, you put it on high and burn that too (wryly remembering a time in your naive youth where you thought the idea of burning soup was funny) and then, well, your morning's gone, and you have nearly nothing to show for it except for some compost, and you're hungry and cranky in addition.

that's ok, i saved the soup, and baked some bread and the kids got home from school and kindergarten and we had a relaxed cool rainy day thursday with some music and tea.

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