Tuesday, April 18, 2017

spontaneous coffees (10/365a)

Reading "another" book
If there's anything I like more than spontaneous coffee breaks I don't know what it is. There were two today, one was with Michi, and I didn't take any pictures. It was also in the late afternoon, when it was really too late for me to have coffee but I couldn't resist, because ..... spontaneous coffee breaks.

When Nina came over this morning, we shared easter bread and three (3!) coffees, and sat by the heater because it was so cold. Man does she ever have patience with kids who climb all over her, ask her to read more books, and friends named Irma with mild hangovers. She brought eggs with her that she had dyed with onion skins. Oh so beautiful. Here are just three out of the six.

just beautiful!
After she left the wind blew some of our plants over outside, and now some of our nice ceramic pots are broken. Windy and cold and more cold, but at least inside we could warm up with some spontaneous coffee....

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