Sunday, April 30, 2017

our new pet (22/365a)

sinbad the snail
I have thrown this snail in the compost so many times, and he keeps climbing up and out and seems to kind of like living with us. we haven't named him, but today he came to visit me during a wine evening and seemed to ask for some affection. i kind of like him/her/it.

this is what we saw at klanglicht. around 7minutes is a cool optical illusion.
we swing-danced / lindy-hopped with the family, with kids in lederhosen.

and our wine looks normal
right? yum!
well, unfortunately, we noticed something about the bottle. do you notice? please comment if you do. brian posted on a forum and everyone noticed. do you think it's intentional? whyyyyyyy? how is this ok?

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