Tuesday, April 26, 2022

under the wire (9/365f)

7 more minutes of today before tomorrow starts

i saw elke today for the first time in over a month what with sicknesses and holidays between ... it was nice. we worked on gordon jacob's variations for viola. she pointed out i should be more precise.

when felix came home he said he saw those kids again that bothered them yesterday. those stranger bully kids are stressing me out.

we saw the prima-la-musica award ceremony, my kids got their certificates. the new (communist) mayor of graz provided sandwiches for the end, so i guess my kids are real professional musicians now, since they got paid to play music with a sandwich. 

i left the kids home alone while i went to united intonations rehearsal. it was very low energy. olena is filling in for lana, and it's a bit... meh. it's fine. no idea when the kids went to bed. but all was quiet when i got back.

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