Wednesday, April 20, 2022

fifth/first prize in styria (3/365f)

good thing the kids heard the alarm clocks.... i was up only a little before 7, but since i was already up i used that time to go for a delightful walk down the mur and look for morels. i also took time to call some people, like kris and brigitta and have some conversations along the way. i'm not sure such multi-tasking is really "good" for the psyche, but it felt right today.

today theodore had math olympiade. results? he was first of all 2nd (6th by american system) graders in styria. 5th of all middle-school kids altogether (including all kids from classes 1-4 / "grades" 5-8) ... we are very proud of him. 

henry taught me how to draw faces, at least the classical frontal ratios for eyes, nose, mouth and ears. it was fun to sit on the floor with him and watch him sketch faces. 

felix went swimming with the foersters and came back super happy and exhausted. that's good. 

i had composition class, for which i wrote a kyrie. the kids were alone at home, since centa is out with friends and i think they spent most of their time on yo-yos, talking to grandpapa, and rubiks cubes. now theodore and henry are both bellyaching about tests tomorrow in german and biology respectively. i am not sad if they learn a bit the hard way that maybe they should look at some of this stuff before 9pm the night before. 

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