Monday, April 18, 2022

easter monday (1/365f)

It's been more nearly a year since I wrote or published anything here. Mostly there has been a large problem with this particular technological platform

anyways, happy easter (monday)!

Brian left this morning for a trip in the USA, and has safely arrived in Chicago. That left the rest of us at home and getting ready for school tomorrow after a week away. How better prepare for school than practice yo-yo-ing. And tennis. 

The kids helped me find the very last of the easter eggs. That was good because they would have been impossible to find otherwise. 

Pauli came over to watch Rosencranz and Guildernstern are Dead, which is something he's wanted to do for about a month. Well, we did it. He told me it was difficult. It was difficult for me too - we watched it dubbed in german (eww). Later, while we were playing tennis, Ingrid Cz. came over and brought us some Easter cookies and some handy-me-downs and stayed for a cup of tea.(we biked home double quick to catch her and make her stay for tea)

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