a remarkably short thursday even though i was up early - agnes woke me up bright and early to do origami RIGHT AWAY. we made tons of modular things, she even made some on her own.
quintet was in the paper this morning advertising for tonights concert.
at 3:00 i was so invested in getting theodore and henry to music theory on time at 3:30 and printing things and cooking lunch and everything that i completely forgot i had to leave with felix also to get him to choir at 3:30. so we were a bit late. he wanted me to wait for him so i went a bit shopping, for paintbrushes and for a nice black top and some fabric for juggling cloths because felix wants to learn juggling.
by the time we were back home it was essentially time for me to leave again. there was logistical stress in my mind about getting theodore and henry to be able to follow directions to get there on their own, and giving directions to mary and i'd never been to the place myself before. but in the end it all worked out. the concert was a big success, everyone loved it. felix didn't go because he didn't want to and I didn't want to force the issue. i threw back 2 ibuprofens before we played to give me mobility in my back. Hansjorg and Hildegard were there too, which was a super surprise. Hansjorg tried to talk to Agnes in english, and the best thing he could think of was "Are you happy?" which was quite funny.
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