Thursday, October 10, 2019

magical piano lessons (180/365c)

Biked in, and found the entire center essentially closed because two trams had collided at an intersection with a main thoroughfare. Our several hour Clarke rehearsal was very silent stadtpfarrkirche, no traffic noise whatsoever! - too bad we didn't record!

then in the evening there was stopped trams from one end of herrengasse to the other ...... i was glad i took a camera with me this time, because every time i bring a book to felix's lesson and want to read i get so distracted because watching brigitta teach is so magical.
Henry found us in the hof after singschule, and he was very happy.

We looked for the address of a friend of Felix's to put the letter in, but either Felix remembered wrong, or didn't hear correctly the address, because there was no such place. That was very annoying to Felix.

duet with brigitta

brigitta working magic

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