Friday, October 18, 2019

more art, more science (188/365c)

art gallery called <rotor> with manuela and then coffee.
waiting for coffee at "das gramm"

revolution in art:
write directly on the wall

first playthrough for theodore dubois flute trio, without harp. very silent all of us... all too shy to really talk ... 
brian and i took theodore to the so-called "bildungsmesse" - a big conference center with all kinds of schools to look at and decide between, although we are pretty sure where he's going to go.

and in the evening, so exciiting! we had tickets to the very first opening of graz's new science center, the COSA, for kids at the main museum. there was a talk, magic tricks, tesla lightning, space-age music and of course we could walk around the exhibit and be the first ones to try things out. it was entertaining to be there so very late, way past everyone's bedtime.

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