Friday, October 4, 2019

nice to meet you, can you please direct our choir for rehearsal? (174/365c)

ausflug with theodore's class. all classes were there. kind of unexciting st.francis day celebration, but kids liked it
does this horn belong to a unicorn?
no says theodore. it's obviously not a horn, it's a tooth
and it's from a narwhal. duh.

awesome fast impromptu choir "rehearsal" at kunstgarten, where i was picking up flyers, and they needed me to sing with them for half an hour.

ui rehearsal at night, then barbara and olena and i went to watch some guitar playing at wine bar, where we paid for no drinks because men who wanted to hit on us paid for them, but we pretty much ignored them anyways. one guy asked olena to dance, and she said she would if the band played "unter donner und blitz" ... he asked her to please ask the band to play that, and she said he had to ask. he finally did, and for some reason the band said they couldn't.

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