Sunday, October 6, 2019

forests are really magical places (176/365c)

today we chose 10 songs that we would be able to sing together as family buskers in vienna for advent. perhaps we can make the money for train and museum expenses back. felix takes this very seriously. he wants to do it in graz, but i refuse to stand in a tiny city that i live in, and beg for pocket change - not even once, not even for fun. in vienna we can be anonymous (i hope) .... also, felix wants to play the drum in at least one piece, and he has been practicing non stop. ta teetee ta teetee

waiting for the bus

maria's party - she turned 50, and we celebrated on rosenhain, the kids in the woods doing who knows what, and the adults lazing about on the hill.

kids took my camera and took pictures like this.
well, mostly worse than this.
my view.
after the party we went to a parking garage to watch a concert where they performed the carnival of the animals. again, it was part of the hauskultur series, but the problem with this one was that they had chairs set up, and mostly it was people who can reserved seats and they were older music-interested people. the people from the apartment complex themselves, many with strollers and little kids, ended up standing in the back. during the concert many got frustrated and either left, or stopped paying attention and just ran around.

entrance to the concert

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